Monday, October 19, 2009

Talking Points #5

In The Service Of What? 

The Politics Of Service Learning

Joseph Kahne and Joel Westheimer

Quote #1: “The experimental and interpersonal components of service learning activities can achieve the first crucial step toward diminishing the sense of “otherness” that often separates students- particularly privileged students- from those in need.  In so doing, the potential to develop caring relationships is created.”

The only way to create a relationship is to repeatedly return to that act of kindness.  If schools are able to help students establish this bond at a young age then those students learn first hand how great it feels to help others in need.  If we can encourage the youth then our future will be greater... It may not be the biggest change but it is a step farther than any other generation.

Quote #2: “We attempt to “apprehend the reality of the other” and then to “struggle [for progress] together.” In doing so, we create opportunities for changing our understanding of the other and the context within which he or she lives.” 

“You never know someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes.” Trying to make their reality yours is borderline impossible. You will never know the horrors or joys that someone feels but you may be able to understand why they are in the situation and what they need to overcome the battle.  This is when the struggle to become more is not just on their shoulders... By accomplishing such tasks, you yourself become a better person.  

Quote #3: “When I care, Noddings explains, a relationship develops in which ‘the others reality becomes a real possibility for me’.” 

Caring for something or someone changes the way you seem them or it.  You never really know a person until you enter into a special bond where they know that they can trust you.  I believe this quote means that the closer you get to someone the more you feel what they are feeling. If they hurt, you hurt for them. If they are happy, you feel joy for them.  And the closer you get to them the harder it is to let them fall because if you let them fall then it feels like a failure on your part.

Conclusion: I believe that all high schools should require a service learning project as a graduation requirement.  It enables adolescents to interact with the society that they live in.  It is an amazing experience which I have been able to witness first hand.  Many young adults and even adults are sheltered from what happens in the world on a daily basis: starvation, homelessness, abuse, murder.  The world really can be a cruel place and everyone needs a shoulder to lean on. It is really hard to go it alone in a world that judges you on sex, gender, race, ethnicity, weight, age and a countless amount of other aspects of human life.  No one is perfect and service learning allows the children to lend a helping hand.  Hopefully they will realize how good it feels to help and will want to continue their work in the community.  Like it states in the article, “Relationship” is the key word.  Building bonds makes the world stronger.


  1. You're right VIPS definalty is awesome! I think that its a great idea to have service learning as a graduation requirement. My school had us do a senior project which I found to be pointless. good point!

  2. I like what you said in your second quote.You never know someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes. I think that service learning is imoptant to get to see the different schools, people, and ways of teaching

  3. I think the notion of repetition of action is key here too. DId our discussion of charity vs. change help add something to this article for you?

  4. I agree, I think that having a service learning project before graduating high school is a good idea too, I did at my highshool we had to complete 15 hours to graduate
